The definition of “this guy fucks”. A reference to the fabrication of meth and the American show Breaking Bad. Synonymous with "cuckolded. pick fights with people to make yourself feel superior 4. A process in which two or more people engage in sexual activities. Boy #1: Yo Sam your map is so cooked Boy #2: Yeah its totally brokenSomeone who cooks often but only in their home. Person 2: Let me cook. Predominantly sold in cans, but occasionally. Note that due to the nature of the algorithm, some results returned by your query may only be concepts, ideas or words that are. over cooked pasta is even worse. in Jamaican cooking: jerk sauce. A word play on the embryotic eggs of a woman. Cook Twitter Slang CAN mean to pull, could be known as “ rizz up ” (or “ flirt with”). When you're so high you can barely speak. ) To kill, wrestle, shove crayons up one's nose. noun, verb. Often used in situation where someone is doing a crazy action or is achieving something. 1. 1. : “I’m hanging out with the fam today. ' Jane: 'I'm in trouble. How a girl feels after having too much sex. Person 1: You take so long to get ready. K. A moron who makes the lamest "jokes" ever heard in comedy. How to use deli in a sentence. When you have pushed your body beyond exhaustion or you are very sick but still keep pushing yourself. When shits fucked or you have lost the plot. How a white boy describes somthin that's sty-fel-inYo that Preston Elms mofo, he cooked asf. A miscalculation or incorrect analysis in a chess problem. Often looks and acts mentally disabled. . Cooking : One of the most underrated pleasures and overrated chores often making the art dreadful for no apparent genuine reason. Song of the Barred Owl, by consensus of the ornithological community. Dane Cook. Slang for cook As you've probably noticed, the slang synonyms for " cook " are listed above. Often used as a term to define a 'cool' or a fun guy to hang out with. According to the algorithm behind Urban Thesaurus, the top 5 slang words for. Cheap, usually weak lager. To be an absolute unit and have drunk to much or are just simply tired. Synonyms for COOKED: baked, boiled, burnt, roasted, grilled, fried, sautéed, broiled; Antonyms of COOKED: raw, uncooked, rare, unheated, explained, interpreted,. See also; Tramp Juice , Rat's Pissjuice: [noun] the extractable fluid contents of cells or tissues. Cooking Mama is a video game for the Nintendo DS. "The act of getting a female pregnant. Finally she gets her come-uppanceSomeone that is fried on drugs, usually meth or weed. The white persons Dave Chapelle. you also may find this cooked dog substance in tacos, burritos, enchaladas, ect. " One whose wife has had sexual relations with another man (in modern use, often with the husband's approval) has been cucked. Saying that you are watching everyday Italian is not manly. Adapted, from the BBC programme, to highlight a situation where you are working with people who can’t do their role and people who don’t want to do their role. ”. Cook, 1. to "really" know how to cook i. Boy #1: Yo Sam your map is so cooked Boy #2: Yeah its totally brokenthis word is normally used to descibe all spanners and muppets(1) Means you a ugly bitch ass if you get called this (2) pancakes are not cooked fully and only and will be eaten half cookedout of balance, needs straightening. A Cookup is what prisoners create out of various food items from the commissary list at their particular jail or prison. One of the main staple foods of the world, cultivated in many places of Africa and some parts of South America. Yeah man, I just cooked up some Supreme by thehypegod March 29, 2018 Get the Cook mug. To seduce, but with someone who's more than willing. (v. In sports, favoring one team because of proximity or personal preference. . Steve: i wanna hit some of that erb Pete: lets cook up some dope Steve: with what? (Stephanie walks in) Stephanie: obviously the Uzi, Pete start cooking up dope ffs Steve: damn Pete you got a thicc bitch she a thot thot thot Pete: nah she isn't actually hot, take the mask off. A way of describing a scenario, person or object in an extremely negative way. Lair – a flashily dressed young man of brash and vulgar behaviour, to dress up in flashy clothes, to renovate or dress up. Arabic: Hijazi Arabic: مُسْتَوي (mustawi), مَطْبُوخ (maṭbūḵ) Breton: poazh Chinese: Cantonese: 煮熟嘅 (zyu 2 suk 6 ge 3) Mandarin: 煮熟的 (zhǔshú de) Dutch: gekookt French: cuit Friulian: cuet Galician: cocido , cociñado German: gekocht Greek: μαγειρευμένος (mageirevménos)Synonym for "Get Some", get your turkey can be used by either sex to describe the fulfillment of sexual desires. A way of describing a scenario, person or object in an extremely negative way. To insult or make fun of a physical feature, may it be clothing, your face or body parts. kali9/Getty Images. e a clean replacement for F**king CatWhen an apple device suffers horrendous overheating from a seemingly light load. Some comedian who was relatively unknown before this incident occurred by the name of "Lewis C. A white Australian/ references to Captain cook being the first white australian. A commenly used phase in household's with feline occupants. Popularized by the heat pipe-less MacBook Air, a design so inept that one must wonder, were the engineers drunk, or does Tim just love cooking CPUs. e. Cook gives out a lot of energy. ) Incorrect accounts, where the values of work done is understated so that income taation is lower. Cook Twitter Slang CAN mean to pull, could be known as “ rizz up ” (or “ flirt with”). Adapted, from the BBC programme, to highlight a situation where you are working with people who can’t do their role and people who don’t want to do their role. Used when you Mum is in the room and the cat has just jumped on your clean shirt, i. if they gag, they get punched in the head. Let someone be them. When firing a gun for extended periods of time, the barrel becomes so hot that rounds in the chamber ignite from the ambient heat instead of from the firing pin striking the primer. preparing for a shot of heroin. the act of hanging out with one's friends, generally consisting of not doing anything for hours on end. Oftentimes such people form organizations called "cook groups" to share information with one another. Boost your Instagram post on Urban Dictionary in just 3 clicks. to put someone in their place, i. (verb) To get insulted or made fun of by another person. See also cook the booksBud or Buds, Nug and Flower. A thief, a criminal, a crook or a dishonest or immoral person in a position of authority who abuses his/her power. It used to refer to pot smokers being stoned. Blowing a guy; preforming oral sex on a guy. when you slip to the barbeque cooker and burned your buttThe act of busting a nut in a condom after banging a chick then taking the condom off with the nut juice still inside, tying the condom in a knot then throwing it at a wall to see if it sticks like a spagetti noodle. It's a dynamic phrase that could be used to say someone's attractive, or if food looks good. Someone who is so over tired, that one of or both forms of mental and or physical retardness has developed and taken control of the nervous system. Andrea Joy Cook, literally the hottest being in the fucking universe. A jailhouse term used by inmates to define a shared-feast, in which each inmate involved contributes at least one food item (like chips, ramen noodles, etc), which is then mixed together. He will always make you happy and will make you feel like you are invincible. feel they have the right to put other people down because they arent as good of surfers as others 3. snake people out in the water. A child who is very fucking annoying, they lie about penis size, to impress girls. The Cookout was an alliance formed between the six Black players in the Big Brother 23 house. ) To kill, wrestle, shove crayons up one's nose. While this may. A person who does really well in life/a particular subject. he is a comedian that is uninhibited and makes such eccentric jokes that alot of people enjoy his show. To alluringly engage a friend in hot intercourse or other sexual activity. A response that benefits no one/ that contains no useful information, or no information altogether. These people are the most likely to "stray from the recipe" looking for a simpler way, or sometimes better taste. . , usually fraudulently or unethically, in such a way as to make them take on a different meaning or appearance. 1. A reference to the fabrication of meth and the American show Breaking Bad. synonyms: blazed, riffed, insultedTo cop, buy, or acquire a highly hyped/coveted item. (Especially of a chicken) to be slapped at the speed of 3725. To cook someone's popcorn is to take their virginity (female)This word show that the situation is obviously not fun or difficult to figure out a solution which helps the people who is in this situation from the embarrassment from counterpart. A slang phrase used to describe someone out of the ordinary 2. fuck it. S: “Damn. It used to refer to pot smokers being stoned. Used in the road racing world to indicate someone entered a corner too fast. (n. Get the cooked mug. They tend to not be as efficient or "perfect" as the more professional types of people, which causes them to not be as tense about the way something is measured, cut, etc. The act of roasting a guy while spinning him like a beer bottle and whoever he stops on has to roast him. Probably the person banging the hot waitress you tried to flirt with. A jailhouse term used by inmates to define a shared-feast, in which each inmate involved contributes at least one food item (like chips, ramen noodles, etc), which is then mixed together. Doctor: Well thats. A lying man whore pussy ass bitch. Cooked is a term for someone to politely refer to a Junkie who has lost all self control, they are usually the ones caught on video getting a fight over traffic, in shopping centres walking around not buying anything, picking up cigarette butts on the street, walking around in a T Shirt and Shorts in Winter, many more traits. Contains large amounts of starch and sugar, their leaves are often used as dishes too, because you don't need to wash them after the meal. Used as an excuse to joke around about being a terrible cook rather than improving or giving up. Could also mean exploiting loopholes, which isn't illegal. 1-A restaurant in Bikini Bottom. The act of comparing the stiffness, or status of your labido to cooked spaghetti which is limp and lifeless. Always gets destroyed or changed. ) A large, hairy bearlike creature with a hobby of 'puttin' the hurt' on smaller creatures of similar features. when a nigga cooks, it usually means that he's doing something to impress his friends, or he's doing something, and his friends will use that to stop another bro from going over there and ruining the whole operation. Dane cook is a great comedian, i dont need the fat chick in the grade yelling his jokes in my face at lunch when im just trying to eat my god damn chicken patty. Not feeling well 3. (n. A response that benefits no one/ that contains no useful information, or no information altogether. When a person is too high or burnt out on a mood altering substance. When you are sucking neck sweat of a fatty and it gets hot like when you are cooking. Shows incorrect figures presented in a way that are unlikely to be questioned. Someone who cooks often but only in their home. Or maybe a more general way of using it would be things starting to come your way. a rich person from outer banks which is pronounced couksomeone who is cooked off their head on drugs. Her: I want your home-cooked Spaghetti with meatballs and sausage. ) A large, hairy bearlike creature with a hobby of 'puttin' the hurt' on smaller creatures of similar features. 2. More random definitions. Jack is always trustworthy and He is always the first person you will talk to about anything that's bothering you and He always sorts it out and makes the world. 95 mph. the woman/man then spits the semen back onto the "givers" rectal entrance. In sports, favoring one team because of proximity or personal preference. To alter or adjust accounting or other records ("books"), evidence, statements, etc. The meaning of "Let him cook" is akin to giving someone the room to plot, strategize and hone their craft. While the term is commonly used as a catchphrase and is a common pop culture slang, it is also used to give space to. Also to season each dish with love using the best and right amount of ingredients. Andrea Joy Cook, literally the hottest being in the fucking universe. Smoking marijuana to the point where you cant smoke anymore. To tie a girl down and use a vibrator for a specific amount of time (depending on recipe). Cook offs are dangerous because they rarely occur immediately after loading the round and because it's impossible to tell when or if it will. Twitter;. Promote. Knock back – refusal (noun), refuse (transitive verb) Knocker – somebody who criticises. to preserve meat –adjective 2. Think about it like this: imagine that your friend is flirting with someone and another person is about to interrupt them. This is a very necessary thing for me to put in Urban Dictionary don’t try to change my mind. Synonyms for COOKED: baked, boiled, burnt, roasted, grilled, fried, sautéed, broiled; Antonyms of COOKED: raw, uncooked, rare, unheated, explained, interpreted. OR knowingly providing incorrect information in a companies financial statements. Something that is "cooked" may be very good, very bad, or. Cook can also mean to make fun of, also known as “roasting”. Birthday/Holidays 2. A reference to the fabrication of meth and the American show Breaking Bad. ) A largish wookie with the capability to speak/own. Also known as a jail-pizza, a Cookup usually consists of a mixture of squeeze cheese, pulverized doritos or any other spicy style chips, a pickle cut into tiny fragments, a sausage cut into tiny fragments and any other ingredients. To flame someone beyond possible recovery. when a guy dips his nuts into a hoes vagina; a vaginal tea baggingAs per the Urban Dictionary, the term means “let him do his thing. An unoriginal mainstream comedian that steals jokes from ORIGINAL underground comedians, but sadly cheeses these jokes up by changing them a bit, thus taking the funnyness out of them. N. What you say to the other homies when you see one of the homies start pulling a 10/10 that would otherwise never happen in a billion universal lifespans. 2. According to urban dictionary. ) Incorrect accounts, where the values of work done is understated so that income taation is lower. the action of causing the ejaculation identified as the cooking; the ejaculate(semen) identified as the rice. causing male ejaculation. Homer-like or homerism. Before natural gas people cooked with wood, then gas became the new thing, being modern up to date as in now your cooking with gas!a phrase used to describe something bad. . Define a Word. "Cooking in the Stew" is a saying used when someone is acting foolish, boisterous, or if they're just acting out for no good reason. A penis immediately unusable after masturbation.